How to make a Gitcard

If you want to write your card up by hand, you can find the syntax & structure below.
But for the sake of convenience you can use the following generator.

We link to Pronouns Island for pronouns. To see which pronouns this site knows about, see their database.
You can use multiple pronouns seperated by or, for example: he/him or they/them

Copy the code above and paste it into a new gist as described here.

Additionally, you can preview your card.

Syntax & Structure

For the techy people!

Syntax and structure of card file (click to expand)
Line no. Field Example
1 Name Jonas Kohl
2 Pronoun(s) (multiple seperated by  or ) he/him or they/them
3 Bio paragraph Hello, this is me!
4 Links starting delimiter (has to be links:) links:
5+ Links (in the format site@username) github@jonaskohl
…+1 Links ending delimiter (has to be end;) end;
Every field below is optional1
…+2 Foreground color (valid CSS color) #000000
…+3 Background color (valid CSS color) #ffffff
…+4 Link color (valid CSS color) #0000ff
…+5 Link color (hovered & focused) (valid CSS color) #ff0000

1If a field is defined, every field before also needs to be defined (for example, you can only set the link color if both the foreground and background color are defined)